Muk-Junkie Chemical Toilet Fluid

Muk-Junkie Chemical Toilet Fluid

  • £6.95 - £19.95

If you are looking to buy a non-hazardous and non-toxic caravan cleaner, then you have come to the right place. Muk Junkie has some interesting and fast acting products in their collection that works well to clear away the offensive odors and bacteria in your toilet. The Muk Junkie Chemical Toilet Fluid comes in a super concentrated form, so that you need to use only very little of the product to get the cleaning job done. As a highly concentrated cleaning fluid, it comes with an accurate and usable dosing chamber so that you don’t over use the liquid. It also comes in different capacities of 1 and 5 liters which makes it easier for everyone to buy. Apart from that, it is pleasantly perfumed with the smell of almonds making it the preferred choice for thousands of cleaning liquid buyers. There are several toilet cleaners in the market that does a sloppy job of cleaning and leaves carbon footprints. But with this Chemical Toilet Fluid, you can expect a remarkable job with no trace of carbon. 

The highlight of the product is that it is free from gluteraldehyde and toxic formaldehyde. That makes it environment friendly. These two constituents are known to create sewage problems because they cannot be treated at any sewage treatment plant. Did you know that these two chemicals actually bring to a halt the treatment of sewage in several plants? Gluteraldehyde is a colorless liquid, but has a horrible pungent smell. If you come into contact with a cleaning liquid that contains this ingredient then you will certainly face health issues like sore throat, coughing, headache, teary eyes and burning nose. If it comes into contact with your skin, the results could be really drastic because it removes the natural oils from your skin making it susceptible to blisters, hives, skin rashes, itching and redness. Toxic formaldehyde is also a colourless gas but comes with a distinct and pungent smell. It is known to be flammable and is severely toxic if used inappropriately. To check whether your traditional toilet cleaner contains toxic formaldehyde, then here are certain symptoms or health issues that you will face - watery eyes, headaches, breathing problems accompanied by severe irritation in the throat. 

If you are a person who takes constant trips on your caravan, then you should be really particular about caravan hygeine. For that purpose, you must be using a product that doesn’t contain even the smallest trace of gluteraldehyde and toxic formaldehyde. If you are inviting guests for a trip in your mobile vehicle, then you don’t want offensive odors to spoil the fun. It is extremely humiliating. So you need a liquid that effectively clears away the waste but doesn’t produce any foul smelling gas or health issues. This liquid comes in a beautiful violet color and is highly effective in cleaning all kinds of mobile toilets. 

If you are planning to upgrade your caravan toilet, then consider buying porta-potti style toilets. There is a wide range of portable toilets that comes under this leading brand. If you want a clean and hygienic solution for all your toilet needs, then this is one brand that created a good name in the UK market. There are so many varieties of porta-potti style toilets that they have catered to the needs of people with varying budget ranges. These toilets essentially come with an effective dual tank system where the upper tank holds fresh water and the second tank collects the waste. The flushing mechanism is excellent and comes with a level indicator. These toilets are so easy to use and clean and should be your ultimate choice when you are going out on camping trips. Keep a bottle of Muk Junkie’s pleasantly perfumed chemical fluid handy too.

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